
Existing Users
First Time User?
New users can create a new account to get started.
Get Started

Forgot Password?

To reset your password:

  1. Enter your Username and click the Next button on this screen.
  2. Click the Forgot Password? Link on the next screen.
  3. Enter your Username and email address on the following screen and click the Next button.
  4. You will receive an email with password reset instructions.

Password reset emails will come from empowerbenefits@empower.lh1ondemand.com. Please make sure that your email filters or company email filters do not block emails from this address.

Important Notice for First Time Users

Only click the Get Started button above if you have received a debit card. If you have not yet received a debit card or your Plan does not have a debit card, please follow the instructions in our Welcome Guides available using the following links.